20 July 2006

Live, From Cape Town, It's...(Wait, what day is it?)

Sawubona! (Greetings)

I have arrived in Rosebank after journeying about 9000 miles over the course of two days from Boston. The interstudy folks and I all rolled in here about 6pm South Africa time yesterday, at least I think it was yesterday. I have to say we were all very happy just to be somewhere that wasn't a flying cigar tube, but once we got to the corner of Cecil and Wolmunster Roads in Rosebank our accomodations were quite pleasant. I'll upload pictures soon, but it's much better than anything you would find in and around Tufts, that's for sure. We even have a washing machine!

I spent last night getting to know many of my housemates as well as some interstudy neighbors as my house, 11 Cecil Road, is behind the same wall as 16 Wolmunster, another student residence. So far, it seems like a good group of kids, which I'm basically gauging by the fact that we spent the last 48 or so hours in VERY close quarters with each other and no one has yet contemplated murder.

In another exciting development, internet connectivity is less spotty than I thought it would be, so I may be online more than I thought and more able to blog. I know you're excited. Though here, you pay by the megabyte downloaded, which is an odd and scary concept, but I should be able at least blog and check my email without too much hassle.

Anyway, as I look out my window, the sun is on its way up on this chilly Thursday morning in Cape Town (Don't worry, I'm not becoming a morning person or anything stupid like that, the sun just doesn't peek over the mountain until about 7:30am!). With that, I'm off to an exciting day of orientation and buying things. I hope to get some pictures up of my surroundings soon, because trust me, you wouldn't believe it if I told you...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How exciting! I can't wait to see pictures. I miss you