30 August 2006

Have More Fun And Write About It

Jon Carlson: I'm calling you out.
I got a very angry - and, I might add, poorly worded - message on facebook this afternoon from one Jonathan Carlson - who himself does not have a blog, or a life of enough interest to warrant one - calling on me to post more about the interesting things that I do.
Now, I think it's pretty clear that I do interesting things from time to time, and I write about them. This week, however, as I may have already mentioned, I get to spend a lot of time exploring the Oppenheimer Library at UCT, researching subjects like The Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela - though that has essentially become Christine and I trying desperately to stave off boredom, Migrant Labour on Natal and Louisiana sugar plantations, and Urban Inequality in Johannesburg and other global cities.
As you can imagine, my ability to conquer the hun or leap tall buildings in a single bound is severely curtailed by my need to do research. So Jon, if you wanted me to write about my wonderfully boring life at the behest of acedemia, there it is. I hope you're happy with that, but I still do not agree with that in the workplace.
Ok, now that I'm done broadcasting inside jokes to the outside world, I'm gonna get back to my papers now.

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