06 October 2006

Explaining the Radio Silence

Some of you already know this, but for those who don't, get ready to laugh.
I, Michael David McGeary, have contracted African Death Sickness, otherwise known as parasites. Where, how and when these little invaders mounted their campaign on my indoor kid body, I'm not entirely sure, though I have an inkling it may have happened in Namibia. In any case, for about the last ten years, I had been feeling run down, like I was hungover for an extended period of time. Finally, after consulting doctors yesterday, it was decided I should be put on a strict regimen of Ciprofloxacin and Metronidazole to try to kill off whatever is making me feel this way.
In any case, dear reader, that's why you haven't heard from me in while. I'm going to a cricket match this afternoon, though, so I'll bet you hear something about that.


Christine said...

Is it weird that I kinda wish that I had contracted parasites so I could tell people I got African Death Sickness in Namibia?

Anonymous said...

Ribs...I had ribs for lunch...that's why I'm doing this....


Anonymous said...

Ribs...I had ribs for lunch...that's why im doing this

Anonymous said...

feel better.
s'okay, happens to all of us that trek through the 3rd world. and, it's better parasite-induced fatigue than HIV-induced death. just to help you keep your perspective.